Tracking down clues to locate the correct pointy bit is diverting for a time, but despite the game urging me to search books, look at paintings and converse with knowledgeable people, I was able to choose wisely after ten minutes of back and forth. The secret behind the door that Louis and his mother were willing to risk a limb for leads them to search for the Spear of Destiny (because no story mired in biblical history can seem to escape it), and just like the Grail at the end of Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade there are plenty of red herrings when it comes to picking the correct one. And, as before, there are so many consumables lying around to restore your energy that you'll be hard-pressed to fail. Confrontations - the game's equivalent to a boss fight - abound this time around, and they again rely on you having enough skill points to be able to brute force your way through each situation, should you not have pored over every character's motivation or recalled each dialogue snippet from the previous three chapters. Putting that aside for the moment, Burning Bridges does return to its roots somewhat for the first half.

Simple typos have still slipped through testing. Is this a normal occurrence for members of the Golden Order? Or does Bonaparte think that Louis is just trying to be the centre of attention, so refuses to acknowledge it like someone with, well, a Napoleon complex? Treating the situation with the seriousness of a grazed knee makes a mockery of its importance at the end of the last episode, but even that isn’t as weird as other events in this two-hour playthrough. The flip side of this is characters who don’t even mention the injury at all.

Now tell me everything you know about the Crucifixion.” The Council has often struggled with getting the tone right in its voice acting, but this is just poor writing. Even in the 18th century where bouts of leprosy weren’t uncommon, I would still have expected to be a little more pissed off about losing one my limbs than Louis is here. He lost a limb, but it falls to the supporting characters to express their shock and concern while Louis waves them away with his remaining hand, concerned instead with the core mystery. What’s remarkable is that he doesn’t seem bothered about it at all. Yet a bit of ad hoc cauterising from mum Sarah and two tons of bandages mean he’s back on his feet in no time. I made the wrong choice and Louis ended up weighing a little less than he did previously.

Let’s start with that decision from Ripples. There's a new dialogue feature which is interesting, but scarcely made use of.